How to login as an Employee (overview)

Employee is created under an company with its login id and password under HR section..He / She can view and manage its profile by itself when he/she login with its login authentication..This document will help you to see an overview of the Employee Profile.

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Flow of Employee profile

When an Employee login with his/her Login Id, He/She can only see his/her Profile Information , Payslips , Claim Status , Leaves, Project
Details , Contacts, Timesheets.
Employee can Edit or Update its Profile Status ,can maintain its monthly Payslips Records with regular update status. He/she will not be able to see information for any of their Employees nor any other information that Admin want to keep safe.


Dashboard includes Modules like Payslips ,Claim Status, Leaves, Project Details.These modules are maintain through the Employee who his/her Login.

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Claims Module

  • It Enable employee to make claim request and track their approval status. It includes total no of Claims, Approved claims, Pending claims, Rejected claims.
  • Employee can add new claims which can either Transport, Travelling, Entertainment. List all Claims can be view with details like Amount , Date of Payment , Destination , purpose , Claim Type.

Leaves Module

In Leave Management,an employee can mark his or her leave specified with type of leave , Range of Leaves , Date Range , reason for leave etc.

  • All leaves marked by Employee can be viewed with status marked as APPROVED or PENDING or REJECTED with details like Employee Name , Leave type , Duration from , To , Application Date , Total days.
  • Employee can delete its Payslip till it is with pending status..once it is approved it can not perform any action on it. All Allowed Leaves to that Employee can also view.It is up to the employer to grant or deny leave based on organization policies.

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Payroll Module

  • In Payroll , An employee can see his/her all generated pay-slips for a specific period with the financial aspects of employee's salary , allowances , deductions , gross pay , net pay , Hourly Rate etc.
  • He/She can also view all Allowances Payslip and Deductions Payslip separately with status Approved or Disapproved. Action that can be performed are..can take out print and can view its payslip details as a preview.

Projects Module

  • In Project Management,an employee can Add, View ,Edit his or her Projects specified with Project Name, Project Client, Project Code, Project Location, Price, Project Description, Due Date, Project Category, Attachments.
  • All Projects created by Employee can be viewed with status marked as RUNNING or PENDING or APPROVED or REJECTED. Timelines of the project can be add throgh Add timeline and can be View with view timelines buttons.

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Profile Module includes:

Employees can be maintain all the necessary information Related to his/her Profile like Personal info , Contact info , Job information, Salary information , Bank information , Document details if have , all the leaves info which are requested and Login detail.
An Employee can change his password through Login Tab , once password has been changed , Employee cannot use the previous password as password.

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Personal Info

This tab includes all the necessary information of the employees. Apart from general information, employee can update his/her details
like Marital Status , Religion , Blood Group , Nationality ,
Country Of Residence , Phone , Social Security ,
Image of the employees. Some information are disabled means cannot be update like Employee number , First Name , Last Name ,
Sex , Place of Birth.

Salary Info

Salary Info includes information related to Employee salary like Overtime information , Rate and Salary information , Allowancesinformation , Deductions information . Overtime information includes details like Overtime Entitled , Overtime Rate1 , Overtime Rate2. Rate and Salary information includes Basic Pay Work Days in Week , Pay Frequency , Daily Rate(MOM) , Hr Rate(MOM). Allowancesinformation includes Entertainment , House allowances , Travel. But these details are Only readable informations.

Job information

Job information includes all the details related to job like Joining Date , Employee Group , Leave Group , Probation Period , Department , Designation , Pension Eligibility, Healthcare Insurance Eligibility but these details are only readable informations , cannot update through this tab.

Contact Info

Contact Info tab includes contact details with address like Local Address , Permanent Address , Emergency Contact Information. Employee can update his/her address details like Apt No , City ,
State, Zip , Country , Contact Person , Relationship ,

Banking Info

Employee can update his/her bank details with informatins like Bank Name , Mode Of Payment , Account No , Bank Code , Branch Code , Account Name.

Login info

An Employee can change his password through Login Tab , once password has been changed , Employee cannot use the previous password as password.

Leave info

An Employee can view all the Leaves assign to the Leave group or to the employee ,to which an employee belongs. Assigned Leaves are viewed with details like Employee Name , Annual Leaves , Compassionate Leaves , Marriage Leaves , Maternity Leaves , Paternity Leaves , Sick Leaves.

Document(s) info

An Employee can add his/her document if have with details like Category Name , Document Number , Exam Date , Issue Date , Expiry Date , Issue Location , Issue By , Remark , Upload Document. All the add documents can be seen at the same time in document tab with action.Any added document can be delete if not required.


In Payroll , An employee can see his generated pay-slips for a specific period with the financial aspects of employee's salary, allowances, deductions, gross pay, net pay, pay slip printing.. He/She can also view all Allowances Payslip and Deductions Payslip separately with status Approved or Disapproved. Action that can be performed are..can take out print and can view its payslip details as a preview.

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Approved Payslips

  • All Approve Payslip of Employee can be view with it Status and details like Employee name, Department, Hourly Rate, Workings Hours, Basic Pay, Additions, Deduction, Net pay, Month.

Payroll Allowances

  • All Payroll Additions of that Employee will view are with details like Employee name, Amount, Transaction Date ,Approval date, Addition Month/Year, Type , Status.

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Payroll Deductions

  • All Payroll Deductions of Employee are with details like Employee name, Amount, Type, Transaction Date ,Deductions Month/Year will view.

Claims Status

Claim Enables an employee to make claim request and track their approval status. It includes total no of Claims , Approved claims , Pending claims , Rejected claims. Employee can view , add , edit its claim which can either Transport , Travelling , Entertainment.

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Add Claim

  • It Enable employee to add claim request with details Employee name , Amount , Date of Payment , Destination , Mode of Transport , purpose , Duration , Mode of Transport.Claim type can either Transport , Travelling , Entertainment.

View Claims

  • View all claims with claimed amount, reasons for trips , Employee name, Date of Payment , Claim type , Department , Attachment file.Claims pending , approved , rejected Status can be view at any time.

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Edit & Delete Claims

  • Yeah! Details of a particular Claim can be Update and delete if and only if it is in pending state. Once it is approved or rejected by Supervisor , it cannot be update.


In Leave Management,an employee can mark his or her leave specified with type of leave,reason for leave etc. All leaves marked by Employees can be viewed with status marked as APPROVED with details like Employee Name , Leave type , Duration from , To , Application Date , Total days. All Allowed Leaves to that Employee can also view.It is up to the employer to grant or deny leave based on organization policies.

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Applied Leaves

  • An employee can apply it leaves through Apply leaves with details like Employee Name , Date Range , Types of Leaves , Range of Leaves , Remark.
  • All applied leaves of employee can be viewed with details Types of Leaves ,Duration from , To , Application date , Total , Status. Applied leaves can be Delete if required.
*Note : In Date Range field ,start date must be less than end date and start date must be greater than current date.

Current Leave Status

  • An Employee can view status of the leaves assigned to it or its groups. Assigned Leaves are viewed with details like Employee Name , Annual Leaves , Compassionate Leaves , Marriage Leaves , Maternity Leaves , Paternity Leaves , Sick Leaves.

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In Project Management,an employee can Add, View ,Edit his or her Projects specified with Project Name, Project Client, Project Code, Project Location, Price, Project Description , Due Date, Project Category, Attachments.
It includes developing a project plan, which includes defining and confirming the project goals and objectives, identifying tasks and how goals will be achieved, quantifying the resources needed, and determining budgets and timelines for completion. All created project can be viewed in calendar.

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Add Project

  • New Project is added with all the details necessary to maintain info like Project Name, Project Client, Project Code, Project Location, Price, Project Description , Due Date, Project Category, Attachments, Project Owner.

View Projects

  • All Created Projects are view with details like Project Name, Project Client, Start date of Project, End date of Project Price, Project Status, Due Date, Project Owner.
  • *Note :
  • Start date and End date depends on the status of the project.
  • Status can be either Running, Completed, Approved, Canceled.

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Edit and Delete particular Project

  • Details of a particular Project can be manage and update.If an Project details is not required longer can be delete or remove.

Add , View , Edit Timelines

  • Timeline of a particular project can be viewed for making sure your project meets its deadline .

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In Contacts has developed a way to make sure your contacts are created and classified correctly under associated company. It provides a simple form where an Employee can enter contacts information and distinguish them as an individual or a person associated to a company.

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Add Contact

  • New Contact is added with all the details like Contact type , Contact Name, Company Name , Title/Designation , Email Address , Phone , Address , Creation Date , lead status , Lead Source , Debit Account , Credit Account.

View Contacts

  • All Created Contacts are view with details like Contact type , Contact Name , Company Name , Email Address , Phone , Creation Date , lead status , Debit Account , Credit Account.

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Edit & Delete Particular Contact

  • Details of a particular Contact can be manage and update.It maintain consistency in system. If an Contact details is not required longer can be delete.


In Timeline, an employee can Mark his Attendance and can edit until it is approved by the Supervisor.

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Add Timeline

Timeline is added with all the details like Attendance date , In Time ,Out Time , Remark.
*Note : Out Time should be greater then In time.

View All Timelines

All Created Timelines are view with details like Attendance date, In Time,Out Time, Status Remark ,Total Hours . Status can be approved or disapproved if seen by the admin.